Thursday, 27 September 2012

The Ripley Scroll at The Science Museum

Named after Alchemist George Ripley, The Ripley Scroll was a golden key in the understanding of The practices & beliefs of Alchemy. Intended to be viewed in a single glance, they were often accompanied by English Alchemical Poetry.
The Scroll on display at The Science Museum dates from the 18th Century & is thought to have been commissioned by a wealthy patron. These intricate shots were taken on an afternoon's stroll round The Science Museum & is part of the 'Signs, Symbols & Secrets,' exhibition until April 2013. God Bless Instagram.

This is the Dragon Ourobos: a symbol of chemical dissolution. He dissolves silver & gold which are symbolised by the moon & sun.

 This is believed to be Hermes Trismegistus; the legendary inventor of Egyptian Alchemy & author of the emerald tablet; the most important of all alchemical works.

These three figures symbolise the body, spirit & soul. Alchemists often describe metals as being like bodies.
 The chemical process in the creation of the philosopher's stone as taught to an apprentice.

Bird of Hermes

Three balks red,white & black represent different uses of philosophers stone, one of which is the ability to transform metal into gold/silver & to produce good health & longevity.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Performance Alive in London - Part 1

Dear Bishi World,

After my series of shows at The Print Room, I've got to be honest, I went off the idea of blogging - mostly from being utterly knocked out from getting together 'Albion Voice Live'. Does that happen to any of you out there? Thought So.  

{The sneak preview of 'Albion Voice,' Live at the Print Room is above! Thanks to all the SUPER team at The Print Room for making the shows possible!}

What I have realised is that Performance is alive & well in London. So up yours to anyone who begs to differ. I've been mesmerised by the amount of new & revolutionary work this capital throws up at us.

Anna Meredith 'Hands Free,' - The Proms 2012

Commissioned by The National Youth Orchestra, Anna Meredith's piece 'Hands Free,' was an immersive piece for the entire orchestra & premiered at The Proms 2012 by The National Youth Orchestra.

I could only describe it as being somewhere between an early David Bedford Sound Piece combined with some Pina Bausch style choreography. It was an exhilarating ending to an evening that began with The National Youth Orchestra playing pieces by Edgar Varese, Nico Muhly & Messaien's 'Turangalila,' Symphony. The atmosphere in the Albert Hall was electric.

 Anna Meredith's new EP, 'Black Prince Fury,' is out now Moshi Moshi Records & she appears at the Ether Festival 2012.

Ed Fornieles & The Dreamy Awards

The Dreamy Awards is artist/provocateur Ed Fornieles latest immersive project for The Serpentine Gallery. The Dreamy Awards is designed to recognise "those individuals & institutions that are helping to shape our current cultural & technological landscape.' It was an awards ceremony with a philosophical twist. Watch Zac Effron, accept his award here:

As in earlier works such as 'Dorm Daze,' each person attending becomes a participant, adopting a character creating an endless narrative with a myriad of dimensions. 

{Carrie Cassette Player & Myself, taken by Ronojoy Dam}
 What really interested me was at the point where people began to loose a sense of themselves within their created persona's. Conversations between people blurred the boundaries between reality & character play into a state of sub-euphoria.

There was even a face off between some of the 'jerk,' characters & rapper Mykki Bianco. Bianco was unaware that the fight being provoked, was entirely scripted. After years of promoting nightclubs, events & performances - this took the social experience to the next level. By parodying aspects of the digital age, Ed Fornieles' work creates a secret door into which we can escape to another world. Similar to the internet, in that case.

Until Part Two….See you! xx